I hope I may win your support at the coming General Election but whatever your current thoughts – for, against or undecided – let me know what issues matter to you by doing this very short survey:


Today is the day the Prime Minister said we would leave the EU ‘do or die’. I, for one, am glad we are still in. It is another broken promise by the PM, though these are now so frequent that even one on this scale passes almost without remark.

Yesterday Parliament agreed the General Election would take place on Thursday 12 December. Many people, including me, doubt the wisdom of a poll in winter on one of the shortest days, and of holding an election before the issue of Brexit is decided. Brexit will dominate the debate for the next six weeks eclipsing many other vital issues.

But now we have the opportunity to get rid of the most right-wing government in living memory and elect a Labour government with an ambitious programme that will benefit everyone in Hammersmith.

Here is where I stand on some key issues.

This is our last chance to get a public vote and Remain in the EU.

Independent experts now say the Conservatives’ Brexit Deal will leave Britain £70 billion worse off in 10 years’ time. But any form of Brexit makes us and our country poorer.
I campaigned for Remain in 2016 and voted in Parliament against setting a leaving date. I have consistently called for the public to have the final say on any Brexit Deal. If re-elected I will work for a public vote and campaign to Remain in the EU.

I want to invest in our NHS, schools and police.

Together, we saved Charing Cross Hospital from demolition. However, ten years of Conservative austerity have left our health service crumbling and our schools forced to lay off teachers. Police numbers are down by a third and thousands of families in Hammersmith will rely on food banks to put dinner on the table this Christmas.

Climate Change is our greatest challenge.

The Conservatives want us outside the EU so employment and environmental standards can be watered down, endangering the effort to tackle Climate Change, our biggest future challenge. The NHS is being offered up to get a trade deal with Donald Trump. Fewer affordable homes are being built than at any time in the past century.

We can do better than this.

The choice in Hammersmith is between me and the Conservatives.

There has never been a more important election for our country’s future and your vote is crucial. In 2017, the Lib Dems only won 5% of votes here and the Greens less than 2%. A vote for anyone but Labour in Hammersmith simply lets the Conservatives win.

And in the meantime

Please reply to this email if you have any questions or to offer your support

Fill in the survey to give me your views


Make sure you’re registered to vote


If you don’t fancy a trip to the polling station in the cold and dark, get yourself a postal vote by visiting


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